HYPACK 2023.2 水文监测软件水文综合测量工具 060905

HYPACK是由美国coastal海洋图像公司出品的一款世界知名的水文综合测量软件060905。它能够为勘测员提供了设计勘测、收集数据、处理数据、减少数据和生成最终产品所需的所有工具。从大地测量转换、测量设计、数据采集、数据后处理直到最终测量成图都实现了快速可靠,强大的绘图引擎能够以当前所有的格式的图件作为背景文件来实现测线建立和实时数据采集。除了具备强大的测量成图系统功能外,HYPACK 2016还可与各种导航系统、测深仪(单波束、多波束)、波浪补偿器、绘图仪、打印机、潮位遥报仪、罗盘、耙臂等多种测量、疏浚施工设备相连接分别组成自动化数字测绘系统和疏浚工况实时监测系统,将使水运工程测量工作,无论是质量还是效率都产生了飞跃性变化,Hypack水文导航测量软件,是目前世界上应用广泛的专业测量疏浚软件。它能够接收,处理,存储和输出各种数据。Hypack支持绝大部分GPS,测深仪,多波束测深仪,旁扫声纳,涌浪补偿器,水位仪,验潮仪以及声速剖面仪。利用Hypack可以进行导航,单波束测量,多波束测量,旁扫测量以及疏浚实时监测等。软件界面友好,使用方便。一机一码!

HYPACK – A Xylem Brand 060905 and now part of YSI is a Windows based software for the Hydrographic and Dredging Industry. Founded in 1984, HYPACK, INC (formerly Coastal Oceanographics, Inc.) has evolved from a small hydrographic consultant to one of the most successful providers of hydrographic and navigation software worldwide. HYPACK is one of the most widely used hydrographic surveying packages in the world, with more than 10,000 users. It provides the Surveyor with all the tools needed to design their survey, collect data, process it, reduce it, and generate final products. Whether you are collecting hydrographic survey data or environmental data, or just positioning your vessel in an engineering project, HYPACK provides the tools needed to complete your job. With users spanning the range from small vessel with just a GPS and single beam echosounder to large survey ships with networked sensors and systems, HYPACK gives you the power needed to complete your task in a system your surveyors can master.

HYPACK 2023 Q2 v1.23.2 中文

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