Zeiss Zen Blue 3.3蔡司共聚焦分析软件ZEISS Zen lite 共聚焦显微成像软件CZI编辑导出 060648

Zeiss Zen蔡司光学显微镜拍摄下来都是.CZI结尾的文件,060648它可以被各种第三方图像处理软件所打开,但是最方便的还是用蔡司ZEN打开,可以看到各种拍摄信息,也能做各种处理。最方便的是我们可以在自己Windows系统(Mac系统目前暂不支持)的个人电脑上安装最新的ZEN,Zeiss Zen软件能够控制所有蔡司光学显微镜系统,如Zeiss LSM780共聚焦显微镜、LSM880超高分辨共聚焦显微镜、Lightsheet Z.1光片显微镜等,让您能以统一直观的界面操作所有设备。Zen 离线图像处理软件可自行安装在用户电脑,对原始czi或者lsm数据进行图像处理和分析,其Batch批量处理功能更是可以实现一键处理,方便快捷。

【合集】Zeiss Zen 蔡司共聚焦分析软件

ZEN 3.3
Module 3Dxl plus This new module allows simultaneous viewing of 3D image data and
its corresponding orthogonal 2D view planes. Rendering of up to
three 2D and one 3D view pane is possible in a single viewer. Features
§ Display of multidimensional image stacks as 3D volume models using
efficient ray tracing technology in the 3D panel.
§ 3Dxl plus is based upon the technology of arivis AG
(www.arivis.com) and is suitable for rendering of extremely large
§ 3 rendering methods: Transparency, Volume, and Maximum. The
appearance of the rendering can be adjusted as required by changing
transparency, background and lighting parameters.
§ Ortho Display allows the adjustment of the cut line position and
line width for each 2D pane independently.
§ The opacity of all displayed cut lines can be globally adjusted to optimize
the display of image details.
§ View layout can be changed by selecting between 6 present pane
layout schemes. Alternatively, the pane size can be changed freely
and or the view assigned to a given pane modified as required to
an individual preference.



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