尼康NIS Elements平台是一项针对不断变化的协议、新技术和系统组件的投资060682。凭借NIS Elements的可升级性以及易于培训和导航,您可以创建一个可以在实验室和研究过渡的几代人中传递的资源。尼康的NIS-Elements把智能电动显微镜,相机,其它电动外围设备,以及强大的存档,分析,可视化功能整合在一起,实现了图像软件技术的突飞猛进。智能界面简化了操作流程,加速了图像的拍摄和分析,并提供了很多强大的特色功能比如大视野拼接,自动目标计数以及立体视图等等。
Get the most out of your experiment
At the heart of Nikon’s drawing board and product mission, NIS-Elements software is built for performance. Nikon envisions all of our customers to be able to image and utilize each system component at its maximum performance. Run the fastest timelapse possible to meet the imaging needs of science or be able to shutter, make stage movements, capture Z, and stay in focus while not disrupting the life events that you want to explore and study.
One software platform for all imaging systems
Nikon also believes that having a single software platform for all imaging modalities is vital. NIS-Elements provides the same interface, control, workflow, and terminology whether it’s used for widefield, confocal, or super resolution imaging. With one platform to learn, users can easily switch between microscope systems when their applications require different imaging modalities. Imaging results from different Nikon systems can also be easily combined and analyzed to expand your research direction.
Evolves with your research
The software is on the move, always transforming with the demands of research. With NIS-Elements, you can continue to grow your system over time (e.g. upgrade the detector, add additional detectors, change light sources, add a confocal, add high-throughput functionality, etc.).
Completely customize to your research
From individual hardware selection and optimization to fine-tuning acquisitions routines and custom multi-channel binary analysis – you are in complete control of tailoring and creating a system built and inspired by your imagination.
NIS-Elements 整合了 X, Y, Z, Lambda (波长), Time(时间), 和 Multi Stage Points(多视野)成像方式,从而实现了多维成像(取决于软件的功能模块)。所有的多维组合图像都以ND2序列的格式保存,可以一个单窗口的智能化操作界面对多维图像进行回放和处理,分析。
3D/2D Real Time Deconvolution(去模糊)
对已经拍摄的3D图像序列进行分析,去掉荧光焦外模糊信号,从而得到高信噪比的清晰图像。也可以实时对2D预览图像进行去模糊处理。 (两个独立的模块,分别进行3D 和2DRT处理) (AR package)
Extended Depth of Focus(景深扩展)
Extended Depth of Focus (EDF) 景深扩展模块, 首先拍摄一组不同Z轴位置的图像,由于每个位置都只有一部分图像是聚焦清楚的,所以分析后进行处理,得到一张“全聚焦”图像。而且可以生成立体图像和3D表面图像,从而得到虚拟3D图像。
NIS-Elements 软件包括3个独立的软件版本,满足不同的应用需求。各个版本都有智能化操作界面,简化操作流程,提供强大的图像工具,对图像进行各种分析。
NIS-Elements Documentation (D)
NIS-Elements Documentation的功能包括拍摄,测量与计数,图像库管理和生成报告。操作简单,菜单经过简化。
主要功能包括:手动测量长度,面积,大视野拼接;图像过滤,生成PFD基础的报告,景深扩展 (EDF), 实时比较,自动测量,自动计数,参数过滤,数据输出,高级宏功能。(部分功能需要插件)
NIS-Elements Basic Research (BR)
NIS-Elements BR 适用于标准的研究应用。比如对荧光图像进行归档和分析。最多可以进行4维拍摄,对设备进行高级控制。
BR 可以轻松控制外围设别拍摄多维图像(多达4维),并进行回放,数据管理,分析(比如: X,Y,Z, Lambda (波长))。此外还提供高级处理功能,比如自动计数,荧光强度随时间变化,数据库,生成报告,景深扩展等等。
NIS-Elements Advanced Research (AR)
NIS-Elements AR针对高级研究应用进行了优化。可以进行全自动的拍摄和分析,最多可达6维操作。 (X,Y,Z,Lambda(波长),T, multi stage points(多视野)).
Nis-Elements AR+BR+D V5.41