Dlubal Software 2024 (rev.02062024)010548

Dlubal Software是领先的结构设计和FEM结构分析软件010548,无论您是需要钢结构、钢筋混凝土结构、玻璃结构、设备结构、吊车设备,机械工程或是其他行业领域的设计与分析操作,软件都能以其准确直观的输入技术以及功能强大的计算核心让您备加受益!有限元分析软件 RFEM 可以直观、快速并且简单的创建含有杆件、板、墙、折板、壳、体积单元和接触单元等二维以及三维结构模型进行分析计算和设计。简单便捷的操作,快速的完成项目,提高生产力,对于各种复杂的结构也能够很好的完成!

The structural engineering programs RSTAB and RFEM are ideal for designing and analyzing 2D or 3D timber structures such as beams, continuous beams, frames, truss girders, glulam trusses, timber sandwich plates, timber panel walls, timber frame houses, bridges, towers, and more. Whether you design beam structures or surface elements such as cross-laminated timber plates (CLT), there are various options for simple and complex structures.
The structural FEA software RFEM for analysis and design of plates, walls, shells, solids, and frame structures is a powerful program for various tasks of modern civil engineering. This program forms the basis of a modular software system: RFEM determines internal forces, deformations, and support reactions of general plate structures with or without member and solid elements. The program version RFEM 5 provides a wide range of useful features and options for efficient and user-friendly work on your structural analysis projects.
With RSTAB , Dlubal’s structural analysis program for spatial frameworks (German: Räumliche STABwerke), you’ve got a powerful tool to cope with a variety of different tasks in civil engi-neering. The program represents the basis for Dlubal’s analysis software composed of various design modules: RSTAB determines internal forces, deformations and support reactions of general framework structures. Then, the results can be used in add-on modules for specific de-signs and other analyses. The program version RSTAB 8 offers you several useful features and options emphasizing user-friendliness and easy program handling when working on structural analysis projects.
COMPOSITE-BEAM automatically analyzes the resulting internal forces and carries out all relevant verification according to following the standards. The results are displayed in the spreadsheet masks. They are sorted by the required analysis standards and thus enable an easy orientation. The user`s control over the input as well as the interpretation of the results is facilitated through 3D visualization. All graphics can be edited and transferred to the Printout Report. The Dlubal COMPOSITE-BEAM program performs design of composite beams according to: ENV 1994‑1‑1:1992‑10. The program is based on bidirectional communication between RSTAB and the add‑on modules.
CRANEWAY expands DLUBAL’S product range by the crane runway girder design. Thanks to the well-known user-friendliness of Dlubal programs, you can carry out even complicated analyses according to EN 1993-6, DIN 4132, and DIN 18800 in an easy and comprehensible way.The crane runway girder is specified in the CRANEWAY module. Based on the defined loadings, the program creates load cases that are combined in load positions. Each load position results in three load combinations. Each load combination is calculated with three loading levels in order to determine the internal forces for the general stress design, the deformation analysis, or the fatigue design. The internal forces are determined according to the second-order analy-sis for warping torsion. With these calculated internal forces, CRANEWAY provides the appro-priate analyses according to EN 1993-6, DIN 4132, or DIN 18800.
PLATE-BUCKLING is pow-erful tool for designing plate-like structural components. Country-specific regulations are tak-en into account by National Annexes (NA). In addition to the parameters included in the pro-gram, you can define your own limit values or create new National Annexes.PLATE-BUCKLING can be used as a stand-alone program or as an add-on module in RSTAB or RFEM. In the add-on module, you can import design-relevant input data and internal forces from the current RSTAB or RFEM model. Finally, the design process can be documented in the global printout report, from input data to design. The European standard Eurocode 3 (EN 1993-1- 5:2010-12 + NA 2010-12) describes design and construction of plate-like structural steel components used in the member states of the Euro-pean Union.

本页收录的具体Dlubal Software 2024由以下软件组成:

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