可帮助开发人员快速将 HTML 转换为 PDF,无论 HTML 来自 URL、文件还是字节数组。该工具可确保即使是复杂的 Web 内容(包括最新的 CSS 和 JavaScript)也能准确转换为 PDF。无论您需要输出 PDF 文件还是仅将 PDF 数据作为字节数组处理,此转换器都能满足您的需求。它可在 .NET Core、.NET Framework 甚至 Linux 上无缝运行,提供跨不同平台的灵活性。凭借其用户友好的设计,它易于与其他 DynamicPDF 产品集成和使用。除了易于使用之外,ceTe DynamicPDF Html Converter .NET还提供强大的性能,包括多线程处理,可加快处理速度。定价简单明了,并且有免费版可供用户试用,尽管它有一些限制。无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的开发人员,此工具都可以帮助您简化 HTML 到 PDF 的需求。
ceTe DynamicPDF Print Manager .NET is a powerful and user-friendly tool that makes adding PDF printing to any .NET application (C# or VB.NET) simple and efficient. Whether printing over a network or directly to a printer, this API eliminates the hassle of managing print jobs. With PrintManager, you can easily send PDFs to real printers, control multiple print jobs simultaneously, and check printer settings. Its intuitive design makes it easy for developers of all skill levels to integrate and use it immediately. Plus, with flexible licensing options and a Free Evaluation Edition, it’s easy to try before you commit.
This API has features that make printing PDFs from your application easier than ever. It handles everything from managing successful and unsuccessful print jobs to allowing you to fine-tune printer settings for each job. Whether you need to automate large batches of printing or just a single PDF, DynamicPDF PrintManager is designed to save time and effort.
DynamicPDF Print Manager for .NET v4.22 (05 May 2024) + CRACK