FastReport.Net FastReport.Core Enterprise可视化报表NET组件及代改报表.NET开发.Net报告080518

FastReport .NET 是一款可靠、快速且易于使用的应用程序080518,适用于 .NET 开发人员和 Microsoft Visual Studio 开发人员,可帮助他们创建独立于应用程序的 .Net 报告。它是一个高效的应用程序,为 Windows 窗体、ASP.NET 和 MVC 提供了完美的报告解决方案。该程序还可以与 Visual Studio 一起使用,制作独立于应用程序的报告。它能够连接到数据库和获取数据,向现有报告添加表格,以及处理各种文档格式,包括查看、打印和导出。面向 .NET 开发人员的强大应用程序,可帮助他们创建独立于应用程序的 .Net 报告。为 Windows 窗体、ASP.NET 和 MVC 提供完美的报表解决方案。可以与 Visual Studio 一起使用,制作独立于应用程序的报告。能够连接到数据库并获取数据,将表单添加到现有报告中。让您操作各种文档格式,包括查看、打印和导出。提供各种相互关联的组件,使您能够生成专业且完全可管理的报告。提供对示例报告集合的实时访问,这些报告可以进一步定制并用作未来项目的参考点。包括一个强大的可视化报表设计器,用于创建和修改报表。提供范围广泛的灵活设计工具和功能,帮助您输出个性化的内容。允许您插入文本、图片、形状、子报表、表格、矩阵、条形码、图表、地图甚至仪表,并轻松导出或打印。

With the use of FastReport .NET, the user can build and create independent applications as well as reports. NET.  In other words, it means that FastReport .NET can be used independently as a standalone reporting tool for all its users. It can include a powerful visual report for the process of creating as well as modifying the reports. The user application can run the designer from the code itself. 

FastReport .NET includes the online reports designer only in the enterprise edition for its users for ASP.NET. It can connect to any database as well as any database to create queries.  It has the forms of dialogues to the user report to prompt before running a report for the parameters.  Last but not least, it can view the results as well as print and even export them in many other common document formats. It has certain advantages in that it is written in the C# format and contains managed codes, which is compatible with the framework. NET. The FastReport .NET can be customized to the user’s suit according to the need, and it has a reasonable price along with a licensing policy.  It has basic support for the format of RDL for the process of exporting as well as importing.  To be included that this can be utilized in the visual studio 2019 by Microsoft.

Report Elements

  • It is a band-oriented report generator and it holds 13 kinds of bands accessible to all the users. Some examples are page footer, column header, group footer, overlay, subreport, report summary, and so on.
  • It has a broad variety of record items that are accessible to all the users, such as text, matrix, table, images, shape, trademarks, and also lines.
  • In this case, the reports can include many pages of layout, allowing the user’s report to contain pay information and cover all of them in one document.
  • The table item, in this case, allows the users to build a tabular report with the use of several columns or even rows, just like MS Excel.

Report Preview Window

  • It is very handy for the style of MS Word in the preview window.
  • It can research text from the report, which is already ready.
  • The process of navigation from the preview window is possible in this case and the specification of the user design as well as document.
  • The user can determine when the item in the window of preview clicks.  For instance, the user can build and display a new record with detailed information about the product that has been clicked on.

Key Features of FastReport .NET :

  1. It functions along with the information obtained from the ADO.NET and is allowed to filter and sort the columns of data being researched, utilized along with their information rows.  Everything can be accomplished with the use of a few mouse clicks.
  2. You can connect directly to ADO.NET, MS SQL, and even a database based on XML.  There are other connectors as well, back in the form of plugins.
  3. It can acquire the information obtained from the company and the object of IEnumerable kind.
  4. The report, in this case, can include sources of data such as text, tables, relations of DB, and even queries, making it difficult for the user to utilize the application directly. Also, the user can use the chart as well as questions directly from the document.
  5. Utilization visual builder of the query in which the user does not need to find details about the language of SQL to make a query that involves several data tables.
  6. The Fast Report .NET includes an integrated script engine that can support .NET languages such as C# and VB.NET.
  7. The report has the potential to include conversation types to prompt the parameters until and unless the report is being run. 
  8. It comprises effective visual report designers for the process of creating as well as changing the report.
  9. Connecting to the virtual database with the use of any table along with the creation of unique inquiries.
  10. The user can see the results as well as print or export them according to his wish in different formats and standards.
  11. It has a complete source code available to fit the user’s requirements.

FastReport .NET & FastReport.Core Enterprise v2024.2.15+CRACK
FastReport .NET & FastReport.Core Enterprise v2024.2.8+CRACK
FastReport .NET Enterprise v2023.2.18+CRACK
FastReport .NET v2022.1.6+CRACK

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