Cold Turkey Blocker Pro 激活版070135。Coldturkey 可密钥激活所有功能。克服严重拖延症、冷火鸡戒断法-提高 专意力,摆脱各种不断消耗你时间的网站的软件。适用于window系统。亲测有效,在黑名单中输入你所要封锁的网站,在计时器中 输入封锁到期时间,打开计时器开关,这段时间内 你的电脑就会登不上你所输入黑名单的网址。也可以锁软件,有强制措施可选。甚至可以在规定时间内锁电脑,使整个电脑无法使用!支持win10 win11!ColdTurkey是一款屏蔽软件,在日常使用中,如经常在网站,游戏里等花费了太多的时间在这些上面,导致前期规划都泡汤。因此,使用Cold Turkey将时间集中在更需要的事情上。此外,这个软件在规划孩子使用电脑上效果拔萃,在学习娱乐上两者都可兼得。
补丁替换到软件安装目录中,运行软件输入激活码 : 111111111111111111111111
A dose of discipline, built in.
Other website blockers are too easy to cheat. That’s why you’ll love Cold Turkey Blocker. It’ll be there for you when your willpower isn’t.
You can choose to lock your block: until a specified time or time window everyday, until a restart, or until you type a customizable amount of random text.
In the pro version, you can also lock a block using a password or during active scheduled blocks.
More than just a website blocker.
Any website blocker can block Facebook, Reddit and Youtube. Only Cold Turkey Blocker lets you block applications, the whole internet, and even your entire computer.
Not going completely Cold Turkey? No problem. You can schedule blocks when you need them or simply reduce distractions by adding pomodoro-style breaks or allowances.
Start one block and have it affect all supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Brave, Opera and Vivaldi (for Windows ).
So much winning, your head will spin.
97% of surveyed customers did or would recommend Cold Turkey Blocker to a friend. 12000+ websites are blocked by Cold Turkey Blocker every single day. That’s an additional 1700 hours/day being carved out for studying, programming, writing, or more quality time spent offline.
With stats like that, it’s hard not to brag.
Distraction ➔ Motivation
When a website is blocked, you’ll see a motivational quote to remind you that you should be working. The block page can be customized in the pro version.
Website Blocking
Use the default distraction list, or create your own customized block lists. Add an unlimited number of websites to as many block lists as you want. The block lists can be started as continuous block or scheduled blocks.
Application Blocking
Games and other apps can be just as addictive as social media. Just go to the Applications tab when editing your block list and add the executable files to block them too.
Locking a Block
Choose one of the many ways to lock your block. Using a timer is the most common method but you can also lock your block with a password, between a time range everyday, until a restart, during scheduled blocks, or after typing in a customizable amount random text.
Blocker 4.5 (1 Dec 2023)
- Added support for latest Opera version
- Added support for latest Safari features (incognito, profiles)
- Added yellow extension icon when visiting sites on allowance list
- Added minor UI improvements, UI fixes
- Added ability to unlock password blocks using CLI
- Added ability to block picture-in-picture and videos by muting tabs
- Added ability to block new Chrome Web Store
- Added blocking to YouTube suggested videos on embedded videos
- Fixed ability to add URLs with # character
- Fixed macOS block imports when data contains ” or ‘
- Fixed zoom keyboard shortcuts not working sometimes
- Fixed needing to restart browser after install
- Fixed browser extension/app communication reliability
- Fixed high CPU for Firefox messaging host
- Fixed allowance calculation when strict statistics is enabled
- Fixed macOS folder app blocking not being counted in allowance
- Fixed issues with YouTube exceptions and channel blocks
- Updated random text to random words including showing location of errors
- Updated random text max length and fixed text alignment
- Updated how browsers will be blocked when incognito disabled
Replace original exe with cracked one
Run the software and enter upgrade key : 111111111111111111111111

Cold Turkey Blocker Pro 4.5 EN激活版本