VIC-3D采用了DIC(Digital Image Correlation)数字图像相关算法060554。其原理是计算机对比被测物体变形前后图像,通过灰阶找到图像相关区域从而计算出物体表面位移和应变分布。整个测量过程只需以一台或两台工业相机采集变形前后待测物图像,经运算即可获得全场范围内的3D数据。DIC(DigitalImage Correlation)技术无特殊环境要求,室内外普通环境均可使用,原则上只要能获取图像即可进行应变测量。

Vic3D Vic-3D 9.4.22 加密狗版
Example Files:
Plate bending example – with calibration images [70MB] – please select the “12×9 – 9mm” calibration size from the dropdown menu in VIC-3D
Tensile example – speckle images only [10MB]
Hand example – speckle images only [18MB]
VIC-3D IR example – [189MB] – please review the help guide in the software to learn how to analyze this exciting thermal & strain data.
VIC-3D Vibration Analysis (FFT) example – [720MB] – please review the help guide in the software to learn how to analyze this exciting ODS data.